Thyroid is one of the most important endocrine organs in the body, producing three major hormones: thyroxine (inactive T4), triiodothyronine (active T3), and calcitonin. These hormones regulate the body’s metabolic rate, including the burning of fat and sugar, protein synthesis, heart rate, and developmental processes, especially during infancy. They also influence the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, which determines our response and resilience to stress.
The under-functioning of the thyroid gland and/or failure of the negative feedback signaling to the brain lead to a lack of T4/T3 hormones. Some of the common
symptoms –
Symptoms are evaluated first, lab markers are then used to further confirm or rule-out underlying dysfunction.
Some of the important blood markers for thyroid assessment –
For any hormonal concerns, it is important to determine where the root of the dysfunction –
Understanding the mechanism will shape the goals of treatment and help guide the implementation of proper diet, lifestyle and supplementation to correct the dysfunction. Thyroid treatments can also include herbal medicine, nutrient replacements, and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (Natural Desiccated Thyroid) when necessary*.
*Dr. Sheena Wu, ND is a licensed medical provider of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
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