Functional tests identify underlying imbalances and dysfunctions in the body, offering crucial information and personalized insights that guide targeted interventions for more effective prevention and management of health concerns.
Commonly utilized functional tests includes:
Identifies foods that may trigger or contribute to ongoing symptoms or concerns, providing a basis for an elimination diet
Detects the presence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth to manage symptoms and conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome
A comprehensive diagnostic tool for digestive health that analyzes gut microbiome species and composition, identifies pathogens, and measures potential gut leakage to detect existing and potential digestive issues.
A comprehensive analysis of adrenal and reproductive hormones, their metabolites, organic acids and melatonin; aiding in the identification and management of hormone imbalances and related symptoms.
Blood tests are valuable tools for providing insights into our health and bodily functions.
Some commonly used tests include:
personalized treatments made just for You
― dr.sheenawu.nd
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