


Everyone’s skin is unique, and achieving long-term improvements requires an individualized approach and investigation of root causes. Along with guided instructions and a tailored treatment plan, some common factors will also need to be addressed.

Root Cause

Contrary to popular belief, acne is not necessarily due to improper facial hygiene and often indicates an internal issue that led to increased sebaceous gland activity. This can include hormonal imbalances, inflammatory foods, a disrupted skin barrier, digestive problems, and beyond.


When considering hormones as a cause of acne, an elevated dihydrotestosterone level can give rise sebaceous gland production, and thus acne formation.

This issue can affect both men and women.


While individual responses may vary, diet can significantly contribute to acne. High levels of refined carbohydrates and sugars can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar and insulin levels, which in turn stimulates sebum production and exacerbates acne. Dairy products can be problematic for many as well.


The liver plays a crucial role in maintaining hormone balance and skin health through its involvement in detoxification, hormone metabolism, antioxidant production, and nutrient metabolism. It acts as a filter, eliminating degraded hormones and preventing hormone congestion that can lead to conditions like acne. 

Burdens on the liver, such as alcohol consumption, birth control medications, environmental toxins, and daily metabolic processes, can all contribute to sluggish detoxification.


Proper elimination of hormones is as important as their production for maintaining hormonal balance. Irregular bowel movements or constipation can cause degraded hormones to remain in the gut, where they may be reabsorbed and reactivated by pathogenic gut bacteria. Additionally, gut dysbiosis and food sensitivities can also increase inflammation, resulting in worsening acne symptoms.


It’s no surprise that what we apply to our skin can contribute to acne. The skin is a protective barrier, over-cleansing that strips away its natural pH, along with excessive or overly harsh exfoliation, can all disrupt this barrier. This disruption can lead to an increase in sebum production due to loss of moisture retention, and make the skin more prone to irritation, inflammation, and bacterial infections.

As we focus on detoxification, digestive support, and hormone health, it’s important to keep in mind that achieving proper healing can take 3-6 months, with adjustments made along the way to optimize the process effectively.